Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Oh, hello again, delays. It hasn't been a while.

A month or so ago, we recorded an episode about the Star Trek movie. It was a great discussion with parallels and explanations of black holes. Then 3/5 of the hosts' Audacity failed, and they had to rerecord their individual audio once everything else was put together. Since I'm one of the 2/5 whose Audacity didn't fail, I don't know the status of that episode's editing. I do know, however, that Sarita, our trusty editor, is out of town, and will be for at least 2-3 weeks. While the rest of us can record episodes and even edit the segments, we don't have the program that can put the music in and string everything together, plus it's Sarita's computer that can properly get everything on iTunes. Sooo it'll be a while. Again. It doesn't help that whenever we schedule a recording, something comes up for someone and we have to postpone it. Terribly sorry for the constant delays.


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