Tuesday, August 19, 2008

We've been working VERY hard

I was rummaging through my inbox and a bunch of old Skype chats recently. The idea was that I would find a bunch of examples of us trying to plan the podcast, and make a post showing some of those so that you would really appreciate us. Unfortunately I was sidetracked by a lot of OTHER Skype chats, mostly between Deborah and myself, which are extremely strange and hillarious. We'd be talking about the podcast, and then suddenly... Well, the stress gets to us all. Here's a sampler of some of our more random comments (all taken from Skype chats between Deborah and I), out of context and for your reading pleasure.

Staci: i meean, do you even FOLD a washcloth?
Deborah: small dishes are usually folded in half once
Staci: really? or are you making this up?
Staci: i just fold at random
Staci: im gonna try and make like, a paper crane out of this next one

Deborah: my sister was dating Remus Lupin
Deborah: teenage lupin
Deborah: but my mom's car also had this funky sheild thing
Staci: werewolf protectors
Staci: is that an optional feature on cars or does it come with?

Deborah: but then she said "if you really want to make me feel better, you can draw me a picture of a rabbit and a wolf"

Staci: were there zombies?

Staci: you laugh, then you make a discovery
Staci: ha-ah!
Staci: its like, ha, that's funny - but ah! i forgot to turn the stove off!
Deborah: it's a double sided laugh
Staci: it's a laugh in a parallel universe

Deborah: no, i was dressed up sort of like a princess

Deborah: and I say "well, I was offered a modeling job, but I turned it down because it was the same day as my cousin's birthday party"

Deborah: "hello Staci, you would make a great Walmart sales person!"

Staci: I think i may have claimed him as my ninja

Deborah: Oh yeah?
Deborah: well my guy will...
Deborah: ...get drunk

Staci: so I'll be able to work in rocket powered unicycles

Staci: YES

Deborah: okay, so moving off the topic of sprinklers momentarily...

Staci: I find it amazing that you can get addicted to VIRTUAL margaritas
Deborah: don't make me put you into virtual AAA
Deborah: *AA, I mean
Staci: ha, i looked at that and i immediately thought, batteries!
Staci: which is clearly a sign of my impending insanity

I wonder if this kind of thing is the reason why it's taken us so long to get the show out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We should have like, a Reader Challenge. This post's Reader Challenge is to guess what we were discussing at the time! Seriously, I really want to see what outside ears (or, I suppose eyes, in this case) have to say about these.

On another note, I cracked up so much at re-reading these. We're not insane, we're brilliant. :)