Monday, October 6, 2008

Dave is Batman (OMG)

Yay! It's time to announce the listener challenge winner for Episode Four's listener challenge. Episode Five: A Dynamic Duo is out now (be sure to download it for free from iTunes or our official website at and the winner has been announced: the ever-fantastical Dave! The first listener to email in to the show, Dave is also the lord of listener challenges so far. He continues his dominance with the following entry:

hey maders

so about the listener challenge... um fate does not want me to complete this one it seems. I seem to be lacking in the batman costume department and dressing up as the Joker would have involved asking my mom for lipstick and... well thats not a conversation id like to have... and beyond that theres no one really cool to dress up as, is there?

so being a big believer in the A for effort philosophy i used my mad paint skillz (dont have photoshop sorry) and created the masterpeice wich is attached. im pretty sure da vinci would have had a tear of pride in his eye.

the picture is a flawless representation of dave as batman. im exactly that muscular in real life, too. And I was really impressive and managed to draw the cast on the right arm. Ive had about a million people tell me im lucky to have broken my left arm, but im left handed so it kind of sucks anyway.

and then my hotmail acount wouldnt let me attach the stupid picture and i was like, No. The mad podcast is counting on me and my poor paint skills. I must find a way. So this is the acount i use for college stuff. yeah. Um i realize this is completely not a good entry but i tried!

kudos from maryland

The following picture was attached:

So, congratulations Dave on another awesome listener challenge victory! Remember, everyone, that the Listener Challenge for Episode Five (the one you should be currently working on) is to create your own Ask the Listener segment. (See the post labeled "Ask the MADers" for further clarification.)


Dave said...

Dave for the win!!!

Marshall said...

Hahahaha, I love that picture!

Sarah said...

i love the cast :)

Dave said...

Hey i dont know where to post the neext ask the maders question, so im just putting it here since its the most recent post...

when is your birthday?